EARN OVER $30 PER SALE BY EARNING 75% COMMISSION on a high-converting main product and 1 upsells. Sign up below and use the affiliate tools to start marketing.

Promote The Alkaline Smoothie Diet And Earn 75% Commission On Every Sale Made Through Your Affiliate Link - Upsells Included!

The health and weight loss business is an evergreen niche worth billions of dollars, and it may make you a lot of money. Smoothies are an excellent method to reduce weight and become healthier quickly, which is precisely what most people desire.

The Alkaline Smoothie Diet is a tried-and-true program. You may route your traffic to a high-quality product that has received fantastic reviews from thousands of buyers.

You earn 75% commission on all goods when you advertise The Alkaline Smoothie Diet. There is only one major headline product and 1 upsell. Each sale has the potential to earn you more than $30. You may earn tens of thousands of dollars in a single day.

To begin marketing The Alkaline Smoothie Diet, you must first create an account with WarriorPlus. They keep track of all referrals and transactions. If you don't already have a WarriorPlus account, you can sign up for one here https://warriorplus.com/

You'll get your affiliate tools when you signup thru our email and created a WarriorPlus account.


*By signing up, you agree to the following affiliate terms and conditions.


All Affiliate advertising must NOT include any content that is deceptive, misleading, untruthful, unsubstantiated, or otherwise fails to comply with applicable federal and state consumer protection laws, regulations, and guidelines.

You may NOT create a page that appears to be the official Alkaline Smoothie Diet page whether a website or social media account (Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, etc) or any other type of account. It must be very clear that you are NOT the creator or owner of The Alkaline Smoothie Diet. This means you may NOT frame any page on the original site and have it hosted on a different URL. You also may NOT use the official Alkaline Smoothie Diet logo unless given permission. Any affiliate caught falsely representing themselves as the creator or owner of the Alkaline Smoothie Diet will be banned from the affiliate program immediately.

You also cannot link directly to the checkout page.

There is a zero-tolerance spam policy. This means that all email recipients must have opted in to, or otherwise validly consented to, receiving communications from you, the sender. Any affiliates found to be sending spam emails to promote this program will have their account terminated immediately.

Copyright © 2022 AlkalineSmoothieDiet.com

*Disclaimer: As a result of current FTC regulations, all businesses must identify what a "typical" result is. The truth is that most individuals never use the things they buy, and as a result, they rarely see any effects. To put it another way, if you want results, you must act. All of the testimonials are true, and the people in the photos have changed their bodies as a result of following The Alkaline Smoothie Diet. These outcomes, on the other hand, are meant to be a demonstration of what the greatest, most driven clients have accomplished and should not be interpreted as average or usual. They strictly adhered to the diet. To put it another way, they took action. This is also something you should do if you want to see results. Stephanie Quiñones has researched and written about this diet , so don't take her counsel as a replacement for medical advice. Before beginning any fitness or nutrition regimen, speak with your doctor. For further information, see our full FTC Legal Disclaimer. Do you have any concerns or questions concerning the Alkaline Smoothie Diet? Are you unsure if the program will be beneficial to you? Send us a message! Support@alkalinesmoothiediet.com is where you may reach us.